There is a lot of talk about abstinence as a sexual choice. What’s it all about?

Abstinence is the practice of abstaining, of waiting. You can abstain from the internet for a week, you can abstain from chocolate for a month, you can abstain from sex until you’re married (or in a similar long term relationship). There are lots of different kinds of abstinence, and for many different purposes. The type of abstinence we’re going to talk about is sexual abstinence.

Sexual abstinence is making the decision that you are going to wait to have sex until you are in a long-term, committed, mutually monogamous relationship like marriage. This basically means that you won’t have sex until you’re with someone you will be together with for as long as you live, and it’s just you and your partner. Miss America herself (Lakita Garth, who practices sexual abstinence) described sexual abstinence as… “I Do. I do you, you do me, we don’t do nobody else.”

To find out the benefits of abstinence as a sexual choice, check out our article “Benefits of Abstinence”. To hear Lakita Garth’s story, visit .

Remember that you are important. Your life counts, and you can make a difference in this world. If you ever need to talk about this or anything else, feel free to get in touch with us. We’re here for you.