Not sure where you fit in? Perhaps you’re feeling a bit confused or your situation is very different from any of the communities listed. That’s ok. We’re here for you. Share with us. Let us know what’s going on. You can connect with us here.
We’re here to listen and help as best we can.
Grab a hold of all the courage within you and reach out. It’s ok…
Front Line Workers
Emergency Responders & Health Care Workers. Are you needing a safe place to turn to?
Bereaved by Suicide
We are so sorry for your loss. Hold steady. We do understand your pain.
Discouraged by the System
Been through the system and you don’t want more of the same? We get it. Totally.
Attempt Survivors
Struggling again? It’s ok, we understand… help and support is available here.
Life sucks sometimes. No doubt about that. You will make it through. Reach out for help right now and have a chat with someone. It’s ok to do that! If you are in crisis, call a crisis center near you.
Help & support is a phone call or a click away… click the button below to find a crisis center near you.
Family & Friends
Worried about someone close to you? Don’t hesitate to reach out for help on their behalf. They may well be unable to do so themselves. Help and support is available.
Indigenous Peoples
No matter what you’ve been through, if you’re struggling right now, reach out for help.
Military & Veterans
You have very particular stresses and challenges in your day to day life. We understand.
It can be really tough just being accepted. We entirely get that. Hold steady and connect with help and support now.
Physically Challenged
Each day a triumph! But you struggle. It’s just so tough. We get it. Reach out for help and support.