Remember: If you have been sexually hurt, it is NOT your fault. You should NOT feel guilty or ashamed. If you have been hurt, contact your local rape crisis centre, or talk to someone you trust, like a friend or parent. It is important to get help as soon as possible. If you need to talk to someone about this, you can always contact Your Life Counts.

If you or someone you know experiences memory loss, unexplained drowsiness, confusion, impaired judgement, quick intoxication after one or two drinks, or an inability to remember details the following day with possible discomfort around the genital area:

  • Report the incident to the police so they can collect evidence and investigate. This is important so you can make sure that nobody else experiences date rape.
  • Call a rape crisis centre in your local area. They are anonymous and can give you the support you need.
  • Do not shower, douche, or have a bowel movement. Save all worn clothing and underwear because it can be considered evidence.
  • Do not touch anything in the area that may be considered evidence.
  • Get medical attention and be examined for external and internal injuries, STIs, and pregnancy.
  • Request a urine test for drug analysis.
  • Talk to someone you trust and let them know what happened to you.

This experience is highly traumatic so it is crucial that you seek medical help and avail yourself of all the help and support that may be available to you. Although this doesn’t help much, it is true to say that your sharing of your attack may help prevent the perpetrator(s) from doing this to anyone else.

Remember that you are important. Your life counts, and you can make a difference in this world. If you ever need to talk about this or anything else, feel free to get in touch with us. We’re here for you.