1 The permitted purposes of this online communication is for you to give some personal and background information necessary for us to be able to reply to you thoughtfully.
2 This is not an immediate crisis response facility. If you need immediate help, you should call the emergency number in your community or call one of the crisis centers listed on our website at https://yourlifecounts.org/find-help/
2 We cannot give medical diagnoses or advice; we cannot give legal advice, and we are not providing professional counseling or psychological or psychiatric consultations. We are responding to you as facilitators providing advice. We may refer you to a professional counseling colleague and may provide professional counseling service, subject to availability and resources.
3 Our response center staff need to have confidential access to your online communications with us.
4 There could be alternative sources of communication in specific circumstances, such as an emergency.
5 You agree to keep your communication focused on the key reason for your message and you agree not to mention people by name or to include any information that would compromise the privacy, reputation or safety of another individual, family, agency or organization/ corporation.
6 We have a zero-tolerance policy for profanity, abuse, and threats.
7 You promise that your communication is genuine and will not be used for malicious, frivolous or commercial purposes. The mission of YLC is to save lives. Time and resources wasted may cost someone their life.
8 Verification of your email address is automatically established through our procedures. It is your responsibility to prevent unauthorized access to your own computer system.
9 You accept that online communication by nature can be insecure. You hold Your Life Counts, their assigns, employees, volunteers, officers and directors et al harmless from and against all losses, costs, liabilities, claims, damages, and expenses of every kind and character arising from the help, support and/or advice that may be extended to you in good faith in response to online and offline communications.
10 You acknowledge that permission to use our online communication may be withdrawn for failure to abide by these terms and conditions of use.