The typical female main character on TV has the picture-perfect body with all the right curves in all the right places, tucked under all the right clothes. The typical male character on TV has toned abs, sculpted arms and a defined jaw line. And despite the fact that these types of people represent the smallest portion of our population (99% of us don’t look like that!), we let them define how we should look.

YLC wants you to remember that you were made the way you are for a reason; you are wonderful inside and out, and it’s not what’s on the outside that defines you. Your personality and character shines through every day, and that is what people see and remember. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else, because that’s not what you were meant to be. You’re great, just the way you are.

Please be encouraged and know that you are so much more than a TV character. You are a person who has individual worth, who is awesome just the way you are, and doesn’t need to model your life after what society tells you to. You are you and your life, your body image, your self-esteem, your health, and your future counts.

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