
虐待是企图控制他人的行为. 使用亲密关系是滥用权力, 信任和依赖使受害者易受伤害. – 埃德蒙顿警察局.

在本节中了解有关滥用的更多信息 – if you have a story to share that you feel may be helpful to others please send it to us and we’ll consider including it. Please understand there are all kinds of reasons why we can’t include some personal submissions but most of the time we can include submissions received from you and others.

谢谢 – 小心; find out more here and remember your life is very precious. 你的生命举足轻重 and we’re here for YOU!

There are many types of abuse, but abuse usually occurs between people that already know each other or have a relationship. 例如, dating abuse, 家庭 / child abuse, and domestic abuse are very common forms of abuse that people experience.

Although abuse is common, it is not normal and it is not OK. Nobody deserves to be abused, and there is help for victims of abuse. You do not have to live with abuse.



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